Customers and the Community overview


Data pertaining to the volume of customers, apart from Acea Energia, Areti, and, in the water segment, to Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Gesesa, also include data related to other water companies (Acque, Publiacqua, Acquedotto del Fiora, Umbra Acque and Gori) – that are not included in the reporting boundary – highlighting the single contribution for the sole purpose of providing a “global” dimension. Data pertaining to perceived quality, delivered quality, tariffs, customer care and communication activities relates to the operating companies – Acea Energia, Areti, Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5 and, where possible, Gesesa – as recalled in the text.

Interactions between Acea, customers and the community are described in a single chapter, as the information and data related to the services delivered – perceived quality, delivered quality, customer care – mainly refer to the central and southern Lazio area, where the two stakeholders virtually coincide 24; on the other hand, data referring to electricity and water service customer base comprises all areas covered by the operating subsidiaries.

24 - In the area of Rome and provincial districts Acea runs the integrated water service, the supply of electricity (for more than 1.3 million customers), distribution ofenergy and the public lighting service. As a result, customers and communities in this area virtually coincide. Moreover, in the area of Frosinone and province, Acea manages the integrated water service. For the main social and environmental data pertaining to subsidiaries, operating in the water sector in other areas (in Italy and overseas), see the Water Company Data Sheets and overseas activities, drawn up by way of information and outside of the boundary of the consolidated non-financial Statement (pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016).