Human capital development and communications

Acea places people at the centre of the Group’s growth and development processes, carrying out numerous actions to recruit and develop its employees.
In particular, the Human Capital Development Function manages the people engagement process, organising employee engagement initiatives with the aim of making the Leadership Model operational, guaranteeing the growth of people and generating value for the company and its employees.

The Leadership Model represents an expression of the Group’s culture and values – initiative, teamwork and action – and identifies the measurable and observable conduct of people relevant for the achievement of strategic objectives and assessed by the bonus and remuneration systems.

For this reason the Execution Model has been implemented: an organisational model for the continuous improvement of operational and management processes focused on the sharing of knowledge and on the active and responsible participation of individuals in the achievement of company objectives (see the dedicated box).

The Execution model

The Execution Model is an organisational model that provides for the creation of action teams formed by Group employees committed to optimising business processes and solving common problems. The action teams develop concrete solutions thanks to the application of a shared methodology of project management, with the involvement of key figures: the strategic board (which guarantees consistency between actions and the strategic plan), the principal (responsible for the results of the action team and its implementation), the team leader (to oversee the implementation of projects) and the promoter (with the task of creating the right mix of skills for the creation of  the team and to monitor progress and the climate).
In 2018, 11 intra-group execution teams were launched, which developed important improvement actions with an impact on business, business processes and customer satisfaction.
The projects were constantly monitored according to the initial business plan.
To make the model known, launch the actions and tell the story of the teams’ work, presentation meetings were organised and a dedicated page was created on Jamp, the company’s social network.

Execution model

The main engagement initiatives carried out during the year included:

  • “Sustainability innovators, the challenge”, an initiative aimed at collecting innovative and sustainable ideas from Group employees with reference to company businesses (see the dedicated box in the chapter Environmental sustainability and the main challenges in Relations with the environment);
  • “Know the Acea Energia business”, a project aimed at promoting the involvement of Acea Energia employees in the promotion of commercial offers for the free market (electricity and gas) and in the activation of new contracts using gamification;
  • “Discover that Innovator in you”, an open call aimed at involving employees in innovation issues, which was attended by over 300 people from the Group, 40 of whom took part in the workshop dedicated to innovation and future challenges
  •  “Feedback Week”, during which more than 2,700 items of feedback from employees to managers were collected, prompted by the sending of some feedback cards to all employees, i.e. feedback intended as a tool for developing interpersonal skills;
  • Acea4Young, a social project involving the Barbiana school in the Tiburtino district of Rome, where some employees have voluntarily given support to young people in difficult conditions who attend the school.

Staff trining and development

Staff trining and development

The Group considers training an important investment because it combines the needs of corporate growth with the professional development of people.

The Human Capital Development Function of the Holding Company defines the guidelines and tools for the identification of training needs and for the consequent training itself offered within the Group’s companies. In 2018, a new training procedure was defined that introduced a number of important innovations: an indication – already at the stage of identifying training needs
– of the expectations and expected results related to training needs; the identification of objective assessment parameters and criteria for measuring the effectiveness of the training; followup to the courses provided and the obligation to provide training on compliance.
Acea draws up an annual corporate training plan that includes the training courses of the Parent Company and the operating companies. The Plan is defined after the analysis of training needs – carried out mainly in computerised form on the Pianetacea platform – and also through discussion with the Functions that oversee issues having a cross-cutting impact on the Group (like procurement, sustainability, compliance, etc.).
The following are also managed at a central level: managerial training relating to the development of management skills and techniques, on organisational behaviour and leadership; training on regulations and governance, relating to in-depth legislative studies and company instructions relating to the various business areas of the Group and training of a technical and operational nature aimed at the acquisition of skills related to organisational duties.
Each operating company, on the other hand, independently manages technical and operational training aimed at acquiring specific skills for the business of reference and takes charge of the training on safety in a manner that is consistent with the technical and operational activities and specific regulatory requirements.
The training provided to staff is also financed through membership to inter-professional organisations that provide ongoing education. The main companies of the Group have joined the For.Te Fund (National Inter-professional Joint Fund for Ongoing Education in the Tertiary Sector), which has financed five projects presented by the parent company. Acea Ambiente, Aquaser and Gesesa also belong to FONDIMPRESA, which provides funding for the development of employee skills and the growth of competitive abilities.

In 2018, the main training projects were defined on the basis of the Group’s strategic objectives – industrial growth, community, innovation and quality, operational efficiency – and focused on the development of know-how.
Significant in this regard is the project The Instructor School aimed at leveraging the assets of technical and operational knowledge starting from the “critical” knowledge that is known only by a few people and therefore at risk of being lost. As part of the training project, 7 training courses were offered for a total of 41 sessions, involving 148 employees having critical skills to be transferred and 47 employees to be trained.
In order to promote a virtuous relationship with local communities, the IdeAzione (IdeAction) work-study progrfamme was implemented, involving 289 students from 13 technical and professional schools located in the regions the Group operates in. With the guidance and support of “master craftsmen” employees, the students were able to carry out innovative projects that were then presented at a meeting organised at the La Fornace Conference Centre in Acea.

The two winning schools – Istituto E. Majorana of Cassino and Istituto B. Pascal of Rome – received a prize of € 3,000 and a plaque for the work done.

The Managerial Academy was another particularly important project launched during the year: a managerial training programme that combines innovation and community, carried  out in collaboration with AMA and ATAC Rome, respectively
the environmental services and public transport management companies of Rome, and in scientific partnership with the Luiss Business School, which aims to create a centre of managerial excellence in the field of multi-utilities, bringing together the intelligence, know-how and experience of the various companies in the area of Rome (see the dedicated box).

The managerial academy

The Managerial Academy is an innovative managerial training programme developed in collaboration with AMA and ATAC Rome and the Luiss Business School, which aims to train leaders capable of responding to the needs of a service company focused on a complex future full of opportunities. 
It consists of two courses of study: Elios, dedicated to senior managers (executives and managers), and Aurora, aimed at young university graduates up to 35 years of age.
Both programmes are divided into three areas that underlie a managerial model that implements Acea’s Leadership model:

  • Self, in terms of enterprise and realisation;
  • Others, understood as teamwork, mobilisation of talent and development of relationships;
  • The market, i.e. a knowledge of the business of reference and the creation of value for customers and the community through an innovative approach.

The Elios programme consisted of 16 sessions for a total of 72 hours of training involving 233 people (executives and managers) of the Group. Moreover, 48 people from AMA and 39 people from ATAC Rome participated.
The Aurora programme, on the other hand, consisted in 6 sessions, for a total of 48 hours of training, involving 138 university graduates of the Group. 20 new AMA employees also took part.
Both training courses were supplemented by a follow-up to strengthen skills: a self-development plan for participants in the Elios programme and project ideas for participants in the Aurora programme, which were subsequently implemented as
part of the Execution Model.

With the aim of making the management of company projects more efficient, an In-Contact training programme was organised, aimed at supporting the development of a model of effective skills and behaviour based on the needs of the operating companies (Service Centre, Dispatchers, Team Leaders in commercial areas) and 8 training sessions on Project Management were organised with the involvement of 187 employees (see the dedicated box).

The in-contact programme

The In-Contact programme is structured in three courses of study (Service Centre project, Dispatchers and commercial area Team Leaders), aimed at increasing and consolidating the behaviour typical of company roles, leveraging people’s experience.

The programme included:

  • the co-design by Unit managers, HR managers and operating personnel of courses of study tailored to the real operating needs of the roles, aimed at encouraging the development of effective behaviours;
  • continuous redesign, with modules updated according to the evidence that emerged in the classroom to make the content highly customised and tailored to the needs of participants;
  • individual coaching, aimed at strengthening operational coordination roles.

The In-Contact Programme took place over 104 days for a total of 832 training hours and involved 160 people from Acea Ato 2, Acea Ato 5, Areti, Acea Energia and Acea8cento.

Finally, in 2018, in collaboration with the Selection and Development Unit, a training course was organised for the HR personnel of Group companies aimed at creating a team of internal recruiters and a pool of internal assessors.

The Group’s e-learning platform, called Pianetacea, is mainly used to provide all employees with compulsory training courses on: anti-corruption, privacy, antitrust, Quality, Environment, Safety and Energy management system, etc.
In particular, in 2018, in consideration of the regulations defined by the regulatory bodies that operate in the businesses of reference, Acea organised a number of training projects on corporate compliance (see the box) and on tender regulations.
Procurement training involved 177 people who were trained on the regulations related to the pre-tender and post-tender phases, focusing on issues related to “special sectors”, critical issues and major operational impacts, with a focus on the most relevant topics

Antitrust compliance programme

The Antitrust Compliance Programme envisages targeted training in antitrust, corporate compliance and Legislative Decree no. 231/01.
In particular, in order to share the main regulatory elements of competition and consumer protection legislation, 31 training sessions were organised, attended by 568 employees affected by antitrust issues due to their responsibility or role in the workplace (abuse of a dominant position, anti-competitive agreements, unfair business practices and control of mergers).
At the same time, the antitrust e-learning module was launched for use by all company employees, and will continue in 2019. A further module on “Improper Business Practices” is also available on the Group’s e-learning platform.
The course on corporate compliance involved Group executives and managers for a total of 315 participants, with the aim of highlighting the main types of crimes pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/01 and administrative responsibility and to raise their awareness of the personal and corporate consequences resulting from non-compliance with laws, regulations and standards, as well as the appropriateness of a structured approach to risk management. Training via e-learning also continued for all newly hired staff.

Among the training initiatives undertaken by the companies, it should be noted that Gesesa carried out a project to engage personnel called Pit Stop Operations, aimed at bringing together the HR, Operations and Planning Managers and the
dispatched operating personnel.

Acea Ambiente and Aquaser organised a day of theoretical and practical training on waste sampling at the Orvieto plant engineering centre as part of their technical and specialised training and participated in the mini master course on Integrated Health, Safety and Environment Management: the new profession of HSE Manager organised by Eda Pro and aimed at providing operators with the professional tools to interpret and apply the regulatory system on waste management.

Acea8cento focused its training on the evolution of digital and commercial processes in support of the activities it manages, with the involvement of 70% of the workforce (100 employees).
Acea Energia organised specialised training on the new Archiflow Web software.
Acea Produzione organised training on the use of the new wonderware information system dedicated to the remote control of plants, and Microsoft Project.

In addition to operational training to increase the technical skills of its personnel, Areti organised a training project for Operational Flexibility with respect to the involvement of operational personnel in emergency plans to ensure the safety
of plants and water and electricity networks, which involved 120 people.

Acea Ato 2 organised meetings between the Operations Director, the QASE system managers and human resources managers and 500 dispatched workers, with the aim of illustrating the responsibilities connected with company processes, listening to the requests of employees and raising their awareness of safety issues. Another important project was called Being Leaders with ARERA Quality Standards, addressed to company Area Managers, Team Leaders and Territory Managers, for a total of 90 people. The project aimed to share the main developments introduced by the Authority and to define the role of the Operating Officers in light of the new technical quality standards

Acea Ato 5 has taken care, specifically, with training activities on the System for the Integrated Management of Quality, the Environment, Safety and Energy.

Traditional and experiential training involved a total of 600 courses (536 in 2017) for 1,144 editions (1,203 in 2017) and involving 3,060 people, 25% of whom were women.
The e-learning platform offered 10 courses that 3,937 people completed, 31% of whom were women.

The total training hours provided are 113,985 (in traditional, experience-based and e-learning training formats).
Their contraction, compared to approximately 91,996 hours in 2017 (see Chart no. 39 and Table no. 41).

The total training hours per capita 97 are 24 (19.6 in 2017). When analysing data from a gender perspective, the hours of training per capita provided to male staff amounted to 25.7 and those provided to female staff amounted to 19.4. The breakdown by qualification is as follows: 44.4 hours for managers, 53.9 for executives, 16.1 for employees and 30.8 for other worker.

The costs incurred for the provision of the courses, net of scheduling for training and the preparation of the spaces allocated to it, were equal, in 2018, to € 1,446,808 (Table no. 41).

[97] The indicator was calculated by comparing the number of hours attended (113,985 in 2018) with the total number of employees (4,742 in 2018).

Chart no. 39 – training hours: distribution by type of training and by qualification (2018)

Chart no. 39 – training hours: distribution by type of training and by qualification (2018)


course type (*)courses (no.)editions (n.)training (hours)costs (euro)
model of governance 3238612267,75013,91323,668
operational technician23136862263424,97044,680317,154643,264
course typecourses (no.)training (hours)costs (€)
GDPR - new European privacy regulation118571881,0370
Code of Ethics116991971,037360
antitrust law0102,40904,350
unlawful business practices112,6187916,410360
project management1176020450360
administrative liablity of entities
(Legislative Decree no.231/01)
QASE management systems11972131450360
clerical workers39,29316,82656,11932,79514,12546,920

(*) The types of traditional courses have been simplified for presentation purposes and re-aggregated, for the two-year period; it should be borne in mind that the item “technical operational” refers to training courses for the acquisition of technical skills; the item “governance model” includes the courses provided in the regulatory framework and relating to governance.

With regard to the personnel selection and development process, in 2018 the Parent Company’s dedicated unit carried out initiatives to benefit the company’s employer branding, and internally implemented actions to develop human capital

In particular, with regard to the employer branding, the company:

  • defined a new selection procedure applied throughout the Group, which regulates selection activities carried out in the external labour market;
  • implemented the Success&Factor platform through recruiting marketing (RMK) to centralise and track workflows and streamline selection processes;
  • published the first searches for external personnel for the Group’s companies in the Careers/Join Us section of the institutional website, leaving the brands visible;
  • used innovative tools and methods to make preselection and recruiting processes more efficient (e.g. Challenge);
  • held the Recruiting Day event focused on active participation and teamwork, attended by the HR managers of the group companies (see dedicated box).

Initiatives to develop the skills of internal staff included:

  • the creation of development paths and activities aimed at developing human capital, with particular reference to talent;
  • internal assessments aimed at understanding the potential of employees, promoting their growth and supporting them in the process of continuous improvement.

Recruiting Day

Recruiting Day (R-DAY), the first hiring event of the Acea Group, was organised with the aim of identifying and developing new talent to be recruited through innovative methods, like online contests, gamification, new tools to test skills and digital mindsets of candidates, etc.
The initiative was designed and implemented with internal staff thanks to the involvement of the Group’s HR departments.
The event was the culmination of a wider recruiting process – innovative, structured and guided by the values of the Acea Group – which included the publication of the job posting on the institutional website, the assessment of 1,000 CVs, 180 online pre-selection tests, 180 telephone interviews and the selection of 60 candidates to be involved in th e final recruiting event.
During Recruiting Day, the 60 participants were assessed with respect to group dynamics, relational and management skills (soft skills) and technical-constructive skills, and challenged each other in team competitions with the support of an ACEA Virtual Reality Experience.
At the end of the tests, 18 candidates were selected for inclusion in the Group.

Collaboration with universities and high schools

Acea develops partnerships and cooperation with universities, participates in study and research activities, is available for meetings between companies and students and stipulates agreements for the promotion of internships and apprenticeship training.

During 2018 the main initiatives bringing together the working world and the university that Acea participated in were:

  • Luiss Career Day, “Young people and work” 21st edition, an event that allowed recent graduates and students close to graduation to meet companies and learn about job opportunities;
  • Job Meeting 2018, an initiative organised by the Faculty of Engineering of La Sapienza University in Rome, aimed at graduates and undergraduates of all fields of study to bring them closer to the worlds of work, education and guidance;
  • Almalaurea Career Day “Al Lavoro - Rome”, an event promoted by the Almalaurea consortium of 75 universities, bringing together the human resources managers of companies and students;
  • Career Day “Campus&Leaders&Talents”, organised by the Faculty of Engineering of the Tor Vergata University of Rome with the aim of fostering direct contacts between students and companies and creating concrete job opportunities;
  • “CV at Lunch” is an initiative of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Rome Tre to guide young people towards the working world and allow companies to meet potential candidates;
  • Job Day Inclusive Mindset, an event organised in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Rome for human resources managers of companies to present them candidates with disabilities and belonging to protected categories;
  • UniClamOrienta Placement, an initiative of the University of Cassino to guide young people towards making appropriate work-related choices and to giving companies an opportunity to identify suitable candidates for internships.

As part of their collaboration with universities and schools, in 2018, Group companies took part in a number of initiatives with different aims (work-study programmes, agreements, etc.).

In particular, Areti hosted work-study programmes organised with the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Galilei involving a total of 42 students of the Electrotechnical course of study: the students spent 35 days in the company for a total of 3,360 hours, during which they came into contact with the company’s operations under the guidance of 50 company tutors, also participating in the daily activities within the company and in the field.
Acea Produzione initiated a work-study programme with Istituto Aldo Moro of Fara Sabina (RI), hosting one student from the school supported by two tutors at the hydroelectric power plant of Salisano (RI).

Acea Ato 5 has signed agreements with the Sole 24 Ore higher education school and the Sant’Anna secondary school, taking part, with its own specialist experts working as teachers, in the Master’s Degree in Energy and the Environment and in the University Level II Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and Control: Efficient management of resources, after which there was an internship.

Gesesa signed three work-study agreements with the Istituto Tecnico Industriale Bosco Lucarelli of Benevento, the Istituto Tecnico Professionale of Telese Terme and the Liceo Artistico of Benevento and has collaborated with the Faculties of Engineering and Economics and Management of the University of Sannio, launching the specialisation in Management of Integrated Water Services and welcoming students in the company with internships.

Finally, the companies in the Environment Segment, and in particular the waste-to-energy plant in San Vittore del Lazio, partnered with the Elis Consortium to set up a work-study programme with the Istituto Tecnico Industriale of Cassino.

As in past years, once again in 2018 Acea partnered with SAFE, centre of excellence for studies and training on issues related to energy and the environment, for the Master in Energy Resource Management, now in its 19th edition, with lectures on issues like digital transformation, wastewater treatment and distribution in the water sector. In addition, in light of the high cultural and social value resulting from the collaboration with the centre, ACEA DAY was organised, a day entirely dedicated to students completing the SAFE course, showing them the Group’s production facilities and organising a visit to the cogeneration plant of Tor di Valle in Rome.

Acea helped fund the Master in Sustainable Development (MARIS) organised by the Tor Vergata University of Rome by offering 3 scholarships for children of three employees, and offered two scholarships to students of the course of Elis’s Digital Engineering which presented the project Big Data & Machine Learning, ranked first in the intercompany contest Elis Innovation Day 2018. Finally, in collaboration with the ELIS Consortium, it launched the School-Business System project that involves more than 30 large companies and 100 schools throughout Italy, to inspire, guide and excite young people with respect to the future and contribute to the innovation of the national education system, helping students to discover their talents and orientation to work.

As mentioned above, the company utilises the professional skills of its staff in university master’s degrees and courses, and under the scope of technical projects. In 2018, qualified company staff worked as teachers or with company testimonies under the scope of university master’s degrees, dealing, in particular, with issues related to energy the environment, sustainability and innovation.

In 2018, the Group companies hosted a total of 31 internships and 18 curricular internships. During the year, 22 young people were hired who had previously participated in internships.

Incentive systems and staff evolution

The Performance Management system represents the operational application of the new Leadership Model implemented in 2018 and was designed with the following objectives in mind:

  • promote individual contributions and strengthen the behavioural dimension of performance;
  • ensure the continuous improvement of performance at individual and team levels;
  • connect the assessment not only to the result (the measure of the “what”), but also to the behaviour (the measure of the “how”);
  • promote a process of assessment of people’s individual performances connected to the achievement of measurable objectives and observation of the relative behaviours.

In this perspective, performance is understood in a global sense, as a set of directly measurable results, and observable behaviours of the person with respect to a specific objective.

The adopted remuneration policy envisages short-term and longterm fixed and variable remuneration measures (MBO, LTIP).
The long-term (three-year) incentive Plan (LTIP) is reserved for CEO and senior managers, made up of Managers from the Group with strategic roles and responsibilities.
The earning of any bonus with a three-year cycle, is aimed at ensuring the continuity of company performance, guiding the actions of management towards medium- and long-term results and triggering virtuous mechanisms for the creation of value for stakeholders.

For 2018, the LTIP calculation system remains calculated as a percentage of the Gross Annual Remuneration (GAR) and is subject to the achievement of objectives of an economic and financial nature (Gross Operating Profit - GOP and Return on Invested Capital - ROIC), identified by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Both objectives are linked to the appreciation of shares on the stock market (Total Shareholder Return - a measurement of the performance and appreciation of the value of Acea’s shares compared to a basket of comparable companies). At the end of each three-year period of reference, the bonus is paid, if necessary, based on the degree of achievement of the economic and financial and profitability objectives. The long-term incentive reached maturity with the end of the 2016- 2018 cycle and the amount of the bonus will be paid with the amounts due in 2019.

The short-term (annual) incentive system, Management by Objectives (MBO), is applied to senior and middle management (managers and executives). In order to create a synergistic link between strategy and operational management of the company, the MBO system requires the payment of variable remuneration based on the achievement of individual qualitative and quantitative objectives, related to the specific areas of activity performed, and of the Group, assigned at the start of the year, as well as the assessment of the congruity of organisational behaviour with respect to the leadership model.

For the actual payment of the bonus, the mechanism connected to the MBO system provides a system of “access gates”, consisting of four Group objectives, three of an economic and patrimonial nature and one linked to the qualitative aspects of the services provided (Gross Operating Profit, Net Profit, Net Financial Position and QUALITY AWARD).

The system provides for the definition of a catalogue of Group objectives with a set of indicators to be assigned to managers to transform strategic lines into actual results.
In 2018, a training seminar was held for HR managers and operating personnel to underline the links between sustainability objectives and objectives in the MBO system catalogue.

Internal communications

At Acea, a Unit dedicated to internal communications contributes to the promotion of the intragroup corporate culture, ensuring the dissemination of information to all personnel through the various communication channels and supporting engagement activities with the aim of developing the staff’s endorsement of the Group’s values and corporate objectives.

The Intranet portal, the JAMP intragroup social collaboration platform and live streaming connections are the main tools used to convey and disseminate corporate initiatives and projects.

In 2018, the intranet portal was expanded to include two new sections: one called Smart People, referring to smart working, which provides information on the submission of job applications, timing and guidelines for the use of agile work, and the other dedicated to Sustainability, which illustrates the company’s commitment to this topic with a focus on an analysis of the material actions and objectives of the 2018-2022 Sustainability Plan.

In addition, the Internal Control and Risk Management System page was created in the Rules and values section to provide information on Group procedures, rules and guidelines, and in the Management Systems section the new Occupational Safety - Acea SpA page was created, dedicated to the issue of safety in the workplace in Acea, with information on the mission of the Occupational Safety Unit, documents and notices, procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency, training course materials and a video gallery with videos to raise awareness on the subject.

The internal communication initiatives carried out during the year mainly concerned the dissemination of the pillars and strategic objectives defined in the Group’s industrial plan and related issues: sustainability, territory, innovation, safety, engagement, welfare and solidarity.

Some of the major events related to sustainability include:

  • the launch of an awareness campaign called SOSteniamoci - Noi per la Sostenibilità to promote a culture of sustainability among employees;
  • the organisation of an internal conference on the topic of Sustainability and Energy Efficiency organised for the European event M’ILLUMINO DI MENO;
  • the installation of a Water Kiosk and an Eco-Compactor at the headquarters for World Environment Day with the aim of reducing the consumption of disposable plastic. Subsequently, other Group companies also installed Water Kiosks at their offices;
  • the organisation of the initiative THE WEEK THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE, conceived with the intent to stimulate a proactive involvement of employees in separate collection of waste and to encourage a new cultural approach that considers waste as a resource.

The promotion of solidarity characterised some internal communications campaigns in support of initiatives, including: 
the collaboration with the Telethon Foundation to raise awareness of rare genetic diseases among employees, which gave rise to Telethon Week, during which the company headquarters hosted the volunteers of the Foundation for fundraising for scientific research, and Acea Solidarity Mondays, a series of days dedicated to fundraising by non-profits at the headquarters.

In order to promote the topic of welfare in its many forms, specific internal communications campaigns were carried out to support the projects launched by the company:

  • the agile “smart people” work project aimed at strengthening the relationship of trust between the company and its employees;
  • the MY WELFARE initiative, aimed at promoting welfare initiatives carried out by the company for its employees and their families. The project included a first phase of recognition of the welfare services already offered by the companyand by the CRA, the launch of a survey aimed at all staff to verify their level of knowledge and use of and satisfaction with the services available, and then the collection of ideas and suggestions for improving them and/or adding new services;
  • the anti-smoking campaign LET’S NOT SMOKE AWAY OUR HEALTH, designed to raise employees’ awareness of compliance with current legislation on the prohibition of smoking in the workplace, which, in addition to the dissemination of new Group Regulations, has provided for the creation of two external areas reserved for employees who smoke at headquarters (see also the section on Protection of health and safety at work);
  • KOMEN DAY, dedicated to primary and secondary prevention activities carried out with the contribution of the non-profit association Susan G. Komen Italia, thanks to which employees received more than 150 free health visits;
  • the provision of free annual check-ups for employees and their families, to provide guidance on their general state of health and information on healthy lifestyles (see also the section on Protection of health and safety at work).

Among the initiatives aimed at stimulating the engagement of the staff and the consolidation of the link with the local community, internal communications:

  • directly involved employees as teachers and ambassadors (promoters) in collaborations with schools in the area where the Group operates (the already mentioned IdeAzione, Barbiana and Scuola dei Mestieri projects; see also Staff training and development);
  • organised the annual intragroup sports tournament (football, swimming, etc.);
  • organised the Christmas event with traditional delivery of Christmas packages;
  • distributed to all employees the publication ACEA Novecento which tells about Acea’s 100+ year history through the photos of men and women who have worked and are working in the company.

With regard to safety, during the year work sessions were launched to create the communications campaign “Il Gruppo Acea SiCura di Te” (The Acea Group Takes Care of You) with the contribution of top management and employees who are engaged on a daily basis in activities to ensure safety in the company.

During the year, particular emphasis was placed on communications about the topic of innovation, with the organisation of events aimed at developing the Group’s digital culture, including a project to define the Group’s innovation model and the Future Challenge open innovation workshop aimed at identifying new ways of creating value and anticipating tomorrow’s challenges.

Remaining on the topic of innovation, in 2018 the design of a new corporate intranet portal was started, which will be the main tool for disseminating the Group’s strategic choices, mission and policies. To this end, two design thinking sessions were organised involving over 50 Group employees.